
Downloading torrents?
Hide your real IP address with NovaVPN

your ip: unprotected
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1 Month Plan

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$6.99 billed every month

7 - days money back guarantee

Super heavy

1 Year Plan

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$44.99 billed annually

7 - days money back guarantee


6 Months Plan

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$28.99 billed every 6 months

7 - days money back guarantee

Your account information
We are committed to keeping your information confidential, and will use it solely to provide you with content and login information related to NOVAVPN.
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7 - days money back guarantee

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You will be redirected to Paymentwall to complete your purchase sercurely.

Why Choose ?

  • Unlimited data usage
  • 24x7x365 support team
  • Apps for all devices
  • No Logs
  • DNS leak protection

NovaVPN works on all your devices

Laptop, Desktop & Routers
Android, iPhone & iPad
Private Internet Access

trusted by companies including

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Download torrents Safely

The best way of getting around this is to use a dependable VPN, which will allow a different IP address to appear as yours. This will help you ensure that no one has access to your true IP address, and that your Torrent activity can never be traced back to you.


Name Surname
Sarit Newman
“Good option for downloading torrents and using P2P protocol. NovaVPN has a separate VPN designated for torrents that routes its traffic through specific servers in unrestricted locations.”
Name Surname
Alekx M
“You can download torrents on all NovaVPN servers. This is a huge advantage since users are not restricted to particular servers which may be slow or in different locations. ”
Name Surname
Robert Owens
“It is a very fast and easy to use VPN! I use NovaVPN whenever my IP is blocked from a website or when websites only have promotions in certain regions of the world.”

How to download the app?

Just download the app from store.
Simple, nice and user-friendly application of vpn.